The US International Trade Commission (USITC) recently announced that it would like feedback from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) about what trade-related barriers they encounter when trying to export to the European Union. Specifically, what trade-related barriers are harder for SMEs to surmount than large corporations? The information that the USITC receives will be compiled and given to the US negotiators currently working on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). ![]() There are several ways to respond: Testify at a hearing near San Jose, CA on 26 September or in Washington, DC on 8 October 2013, and/or submit a formal written response. Send an informal response:
In your response, the USITC requests that you list specific barriers and the products or services affected by the barriers. Also, let us know which barriers seem most important in holding back exports. For details, see the USITC’s website and the Federal Register Notice. Comments are closed.