What to Expect When You're Exporting - Challenges to the new exporter entering emerging markets11/18/2016
While exporting to developed economies such as the European Union or NAFTA markets comes with different rules and regulations that you may not face when selling in the United States, trade rules are generally transparent and designed to facilitate trade. When exporting to emerging markets, US companies may face limited government capacity in customs and regulatory agencies, and as such, normal problems encountered at the border are magnified. It is important for small business exporters to understand that exporting to an emerging market comes with its own unique challenges that can be overcome with thorough trade intelligence, onsite understanding, and preparation. TradeMoves frequently assists clients in navigating through these issues so they can get their export shipments efficiently to their foreign customers without any surprises. These are just some of the issues we have encountered and overcome through our policy, customs, and regulatory analyses.
Many exporters are able to overcome these obstacles through trade professionals that have experience with your prospective market, whether it be a broker, experienced importer, lawyer, or a trade adviser like the TradeMoves team. If you are considering exporting to an emerging market, we encourage you to contact us. Our expertise can help you optimize your exporting strategy to minimize costly pitfalls and maximize your success in your new target market. If you are considering exporting to an emerging market, we encourage you to contact us at [email protected]. Also, we would love to hear from you. Send us your thoughts on exporting on our LinkedIn or Twitter. Chelsea Hamati [email protected] 240.389.9003 Comments are closed.